Lyft Every Mama is a collaboration project between Grocers on Wheels a program of (Southeast Raleigh Vicinity Emerging) and Mobilizing African American Mothers through Empowerment, Incorporated (M.A.A.M.E.) maternal health program My Sister’s Keeper program.
Lyft Every Mama supports both the organization’s goals, which is to remove societal barriers from Black, Indigenous, and communities of color across the Triangle.
The increase in income inequality is making it difficult, and the rise of gentrification is making it difficult for many families to meet their basic needs. The Lyft Every Mama program gives Grocers on Wheels, and M.A.A.M.E’s clients and volunteer Doulas access to transportation would include to and from pre/postnatal appointments, labor, and postpartum support, childcare, and household needs, to reduce health disparities in these communities. Grocers on Wheels will coordinate delivers for monthly produce boxes to participants in the program, which will include fresh, local produce for snacks and meals throughout growing seasons and or locations to and from our mobile markets.
Research has shown that the impact of societal stressors significantly impacts the health of Black mothers and infants. S.E.R.V.E. and M.A.A.M.E. aim to take the stress off these mothers to ensure that they can focus on achieving optimal health outcomes and increase access for support during their postpartum period.
How does Lyft Every Mama work:
To learn more about M.A.A.M.E’s programs for the community, visit
All customers that have Wake County Human Services Site Visit orders must pick up their Horn of Plenty Boxes during the hours of 11:30am-1:00pm on the scheduled event dates.
All customers placing home deliveries must leave their phone number in the notes box or specify that a Grocer on Wheels Employee has permission to drop off their order.